
What's the Matter? Didn't you have anyone in pink pumps fix your computer before?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Fakers! Posers! We don't like you!

Fake IDs are all the rage with young people. Even if you are  beyond the age where  you are even carded anymore when you order a glass of wine you still  have to be on guard against fakers. All kinds of them are out there in force. They'll dupe you if you are not always on guard against them.

There's some ways to spot these fakers:

1) They email a long list of email recipients and all their names start with the same letter. That means a webcrawler (software tool bad guys use to come up with email addresses off web pages) has gleaned your email addresses and an attack is starting. Delete without opening.

2) You receive a zip or exe file unexpectedly from someone you don't know. The more clever ones will use clever addresses like and

3) Obvious mistakes exist in the email like they are talking about your Epson network scanner when your company doesn't even buy network scanners from that company.

4) There is bullying going on. IT techs are usually pretty polite people. If they are not, they don't last long in IT. Then you get this email from (that email address is non existent) telling you that you must log in and change your password from 6 characters to 8 characters using the link provided or your email account will be deactivated. Whoa! Really? Back off you cyber bully!

5) Faker domains are also used a lot. What if you got an email from Would you open it? Please don't! It's a faker domain and there's nothing but trouble in that email. You'll also see faker domains when you google. This mistake happens a lot with those of you who have a bit of computer knowledge. You google something to find the answer and click on a domain that isn't safe because they've registered a poser domain. Things that your download from are MUCH more safe than things you download from

Stay safe. Stay diligent. Hope that helps!