
What's the Matter? Didn't you have anyone in pink pumps fix your computer before?

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Do You Need to Defrag Windows 7 and Vista?

If you do a lot of file writing to your computer. Yes. Most Windows 7 and Vista owners never check the fragmentation status of their hard drives because they were told that Windows 7 and Vista does it automatically. It does do it automatically if the computer is on. Even if you leave your computer on and the automatic defrags are running you still may need to check the status of your hard drive. This is especially true if you write files, erase files, and do a lot of program installs and uninstalls. My Vista system was 27% fragmented even though the automatic defrags have been running. I haven't checked my Windows 7 system yet, but I recently formatted it so I don't think that one has a problem.

I scheduled automatic defrags for my XP system to run at 2 am. After I come home from painting the town red, I don't really want to use the computer so 2 am is a good time to tie up the processing power on my computer. Ok, really I'm more of an in bed by 10pm gal. If you want to schedule automatic defrags in XP, go to control panel and then Scheduled Tasks. You browse to defrag.exe in windows\system32 directory and set a time.

The built in defragger program for Windows 7 and Vista isn't much to look at. Here's one I'd recommend and it is free:

Running a defrag can really speed up your computer's performance. Don't neglect your defrags and you'll be less frustrated when trying to get your work done.


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