
What's the Matter? Didn't you have anyone in pink pumps fix your computer before?

Friday, June 10, 2011

You Need a Trim

Ok, your computer can do lots of amazing things, but don't expect your computer to do everything all at the same time. If you do your computer will get sluggish from the excess weight it's carrying. Trim down what you expect your computer to do.

Imagine your computer is a big, hunky guy and each application is a shopping bag. You go to the first store and pick up something: the Tom Tom application. You hand it over to the big, hunky guy to carry and he has no problem carrying it..... because that's all he is carrying. You go to the next store: the Blackberry store and you pick up the blackberry app. The big hunky guy takes the blackberry app from you and says no problem. I'm only carrying two things... this is a piece of cake for him! Next you go to the iTunes store and pick up the iTunes app and Quicktime. You ask the big hunky guy to carry them as well. Still he's having no problem juggling these four things around isn't that difficult. Then you pick up two more apps and hand them over. A few more and hand those over as well. Then you go the next store and as you walk in he gives you a dirty look. Really you need more???? Don't you think you have enough, he says?  He can feel the weight of all those apps and he's not running as fast as he used to. It's kind of a struggle.

The next day you are fresh and ready to get some more apps---but he isn't! He's still feeling it from the day before. When you go to check out another app, he mutters under his breath. His obvious displeasure with your decision to add yet another app to him is rather annoying to you, but HE is the one doing all the work. You are just having fun.

The next week when you suggest going and getting more for your computer, he says no. No way under the sun. Forget it. If you want the app so bad you carry it!

Ok, you get it? Just because the big hunky guy is strong and can carry many things, it might not be in your best interest to overload him with things that you really don't need all that much. If you think that you are starting to load up your computer, start trimming away at the unnecessary fat you have on it.

If you are sensible with what you expect your computer to carry, he will serve you long and well. If you get unreasonable, you can be sure that the days ahead will be full of grumbling!

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