
What's the Matter? Didn't you have anyone in pink pumps fix your computer before?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Save (your files) for a Rainy Day! (Tech tip plus contest details)

Sometimes it rains, so to speak. Troubles come your way even when you are not looking for them. Computer woes can happen at the worst times. Timing is everything. When it comes time that your hard drive crashes or your computer has to be restored to its original operating system, will you be ready?
  • Are your photos and music backed up?
  • Is your email backed up?
  • Are all your internet bookmarks/favorites backed up?
  • Are your contacts backed up? 
  • Are your documents backed up?
  • Do you know all the web addresses of the places you pay bills?
  • Do you know where all your software is and have keys for them?
  • What else is on your computer that you really don't want to lose?
Either you are ready for a hard drive crash or it will crash you. So I'm going to give one of you a little incentive to back up your files.

Here's the contest: Tell me you are going to turn over a new leaf and start backing up your work faithfully. The most unique answer gets the prize. It will judged on sincerity, plan of execution, and humor. The judges will be 3 of my friends and family. You have until Thursday (April 1st) 6 pm to submit your answers to either the fan page or the google comments. Don't email me about this because one of the judges are in three different states so they need to see your answers online. The winner will be announced Friday on my blog and the blog fan page as soon as the judges get back to me.

One of my favorite things is my flash drive. I never go anywhere without it. I've used practically every flash drive that has been manufactured. This one is mine and it's yours if you win: My very favorite flash drive 
This one is retractable so you don't have to mess with caps. If you don't put the caps on they break, so the retractable feature is a must for me. I've really given mine a beating and it has proven to be durable. Good luck and I hope you win!
Regards, Janet.

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