
What's the Matter? Didn't you have anyone in pink pumps fix your computer before?

Monday, October 18, 2010

What is a Beta Version?

A beta version is a program version that is still in development and/or testing. Under most circumstances I would not recommend downloading them. The exception to this is when you have a computer that can be scrapped and easily reimaged. You don't know how your system will react to a beta version and if it will be easy to uninstall.

I only download beta versions on computers that are not the primary storage location for my data. The reason I am cautioning you is a new version for Adobe Reader has been released to besta testing. It purports to fix security holes which is a good thing, but I'm not sure it's worth installing the beta versioni of the software. I'm not a fan of trying out new software on a production system.

As with any time you do an install of sotware, it's a good idea to create a system restore point prior to downloading the software.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Your Outlook Needs to Go on a Diet!!!

It's too fat. Sorry to say that, but you got to trim your PST (personal storage file) down! Supposedly Outlook 2007 resolved the 2 GB limit for a PST file, but really it didn't. If your Outlook PST grows to 2 gb it will malfunction. You won't be able to send and receive. You could lose data. There are things that you can do now to prevent that from happening. It takes just a little effort, but you can manage your PST size so that it stays in optimal shape.

To check and see if your PST is too "fat" go to File, Folder, Properties for Inbox and click on Folder size. If it's approaching 2,000,000 kb you are heading for serious PST health issues and need to put your PST on a diet. Why put off checking the size? You can take a moment now to check your Outlook PST size. ;)

  1. Delete away. Anything you really don't need delete it.
  2. Archive. Archive anything over 6 months old. You can still get to the emails, but the messages are cut out of the PST reducing the size of the PST. Shave them away often. :)
  3. Compress your PST once per quarter. It's kind of like defragging your PST. Also do this if you have recently archived for the first time. Your Outlook will still think it's fat and malfunction. It's like the lady who lost 100 lbs and then went shopping in the women's department. Somebody had to tell her go shopping in the misses department now!  Your PST will think it is still fat until you compress it. Go to Tools, Account Settings, Data Files, and choose your personal folders. Then click on Compact Now.
I recommend making a new archive folder every year so that your archive folders don't get too fat either. I hope that helps.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Can You Repeat That?

I hate calling customer support and reaching India, the Phillipines, or South America. Ticks me off to no end. We have lots of folks here in America who need jobs, yet companies ship our jobs overseas to profit foreign economies. What we are left with is poor customer service.

I do customer service for a living so I know a bit about what customers expect.
  • Good connections. When the connection is so bad that you and the other party can't hear each other it's time to complain to the vendor that transferred you to the other side of the world. Don't stand for it.
  • Good communication skills. The English level needs to be at a level that is comfortable to the customer. It really chaps my hide when I have to spell my first name. My first name is J as in Juliett, A as in Alpha, N as in November, E as in Echo, T as in Tango--Janet like Janet Jackson. 
  • Speedy service. People don't want to be tossed from queue to queue with no resolution. 
  • The ability to escalate to a manager. Don't tell us that there is no manager because that is total BS.
  • Resolution. At the end of the day we just want our problem solved. 
If all the companies that outsourced their service abroad, pulled out and gave those jobs to Americans it would make a big impact on our economy. Write your representative and tell him/her there should be tighter regulations regarding outsourcing.