
What's the Matter? Didn't you have anyone in pink pumps fix your computer before?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Archived Sent Mail is Important Too!

Everyone always thinks to archive their inboxes and contacts, but what about archiving your sent mail? You can specify certain Outlook folders to archive to a specific file name. Choose a name that includes the time period: for example Aug2Dec2010sent.pst is six months of sent mail in 2010 August through December.  Save the folder in more than one place in case your computer crashes. That way when your client comes back to you and says that you promised them something in an email, you can find the email and say definitively that you didn't with an email!

A second backup is extra insurance you'll always be able to find the item. I suggest one local copy: a flash drive, second hard drive or CD and one online copy: Google Docs, Dropboks, etc.

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