
What's the Matter? Didn't you have anyone in pink pumps fix your computer before?

Thursday, September 30, 2010

OMG-I Can't Believe THIS Happened to ME!!

If you clicked on my Facebook post to get to this article, you are exactly the type of person that needs to read this article.

Sorry, I got you here on false pretenses, but you are causing me a lot of grief. My friends are getting infected because of what you are doing wrong on Facebook. Facebook is a dangerous place. If you are going to use Facebook you have to change your ways my friends.

Facebook streams post a lot of curious items that are hard to resist. Every time you click on "GIVE PERMISSION" you are GIVING PERMISSION. Would you give your enemy your coworkers' personal information? Would you want your enemy to infect your coworkers' computers? That's what you are doing. I've lost count of how many of you have fallen prey to this.

It's time to arm yourself. Here's how:
  • NEVER EVER USE IE (internet explorer) FOR FACEBOOK. It's too risky. It's unprotected facebooking! It's 2010 almost 2011. Put on your Firefox or Chrome protection before you facebook!
  • Never facebook while drinking. Your judgement is impaired and you are more likely to click on some outrageous link.
  • Make sure your virus protection and malware protection is up to date and scanning regularly.
  • Don't do ANYTHING new on Facebook. Wait for others to try it and mess up their computers first. I'm not talking about a new feature of an app that you have been using quite awhile on FB. I'm talking about a new app that your friends advertise that you have to try. If someone came to you on the street corner and said I've got these little blue pills you just have to try, would you? Of course not. But that is what you are doing with your computers. You are being wreckless and getting hijacked in the process.
Sorry that I have been so hard on you, but if this helps you from messing up your computer, then it has been worth it.  Good luck and happy, safe facebooking!
xoxo Janet

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