
What's the Matter? Didn't you have anyone in pink pumps fix your computer before?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Don't Associate With Rogues!

Rogue is another word for scoundrel or bad guy. A rogue antivirus infection is a type of infection that comes from clicking on an offer to disinfect your “infected” computer. Don’t give into scare tactics like that!

When I was an elementary student, we made a school field trip to Zurich Bog in upstate NY. For those of you that don’t know a bog is a swampy type of ecosystem. We all came back from this trip with jars full of tadpoles. Well one guy tricked me out of my jar, by saying mine were sick and he could help them. He definitely was a rougue!

Rogue infections operate the same way. They try to scare you into downloading them and infecting your computer. Once you see their little shield, you are infected. You can’t uninstall from add/remove programs because it’s not there! It’s an infection; that’s why it’s not there. Buggers!

If it’s a really nasty one, your computer become unusable and you can’t get out on the net.

To prevent rogue infections: use Firefox with adblock plus installed and don’t use MSN as your home page. To fix a rogue infection: reboot in safe mode and install malwarebytes antimalware. If you can’t update malwarebytes antimalware it means that rogue set a proxy server. Go and remove the proxy settings so you can update it. That should clear up your infection.

Good luck and stay away from rogues! ;)

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