
What's the Matter? Didn't you have anyone in pink pumps fix your computer before?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I'm Never First in Line for Tech Purchases

I'll admit it; I never buy anything when it first comes out. I wait. I wait for all the bugs to be fixed. Example: iPhone4 has a reception problem that won't be solved until the first week of July (estimated). So all the folks who waited in line for this item have to put up with reception problems for over a month (when they could be enjoy good reception with their old phone).

When an OS (operating system) comes out, all the hackers try to find the vulnerabilities. It takes a couple of months for the vulnerabilities to be exposed and patches made and distributed.

Price usually drops with age; so waiting usually makes financial sense too! Now if they offer 50% off if you buy right now, I'm there!! I always buy things at bargain prices. I've got plenty of gadgets, but they were all on sale when I bought them! My digital camera is never far from me and was 50% off. I don't know how I managed before I bought a gps (sale), 2 cell phones (practically giveaway) in case I have a problem with one of them, 3 printers (all free with tech purchases), lots of computers, and you can have my iPod when you pry it out of my cold, dead fingers.

Why do people feel they HAVE to have something right when it comes out? Does it have to do with self-esteem? Certainly having a buggy product isn't about having something better than everyone else! Is it about curiousity? Do they just have to see exactly what it can do? Is it something else???? Please, I would appreciate any enlightenment you can provide on this subject.

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