
What's the Matter? Didn't you have anyone in pink pumps fix your computer before?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Reply All Means Telling Too Much!!

Another Facebook design flaw is in messaging. Every Facebook user needs to be especially careful about this. If someone sends you a message as part of  list of people and you hit the obvious reply button at the bottom of the message, you are replying to all of the message recipients. If you want to reply to only the sender of the message, you have to find the very small text at the top of the message that says Reply is for when you want to reply only to the sender of that message.  This is something worth complaining about I think. I've made this mistake and so have my friends.

In Outlook and Thunderbird, the Reply and Reply All buttons are equal size and in the same area so it's harder to make that mistake. In Yahoo and Gmail you have to drop down to get to the Reply All button. These ways seem much more logical than the way Facebook is doing it.

Just my two cents which is worth less than two cents I think!

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