
What's the Matter? Didn't you have anyone in pink pumps fix your computer before?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Internet Explorer is Not Working!!!

Heard it hundreds of times. IE is hijacked. If your Outlook is sending and receiving email and other browsers are browsing web pages, then your IE has been hijacked or hosed. Good. Use the other browser.

If you are stubborn and daft, and still want to fix it, try running virus and adware scans. If that fixes your problem, then seriously contemplate: if IE is so easily hijacked, should I continue to use it? If you do continue to use it, you risk identity theft and blacklisting. Is it worth risking either of those things? If you are doing this at work, you risk your whole company being blacklisted. Your whole company will feel the effects for weeks of your infection if you get blacklisted. Identity theft is expensive to fix and takes months to repair.

Still want to use IE? Try removing the proxy settings and see if you can connect to the Internet. Tools, Internet Options, LAN settings, and wipe out everything leaving a check mark in the top box. Restart your browser. If your IE still isn't fixed, reinstall Windows and choose a safer browser next time.

Refusal to learn a new browser is no excuse for ditching IE. When cell phones came out, did you stick with your home handset and say cell phones were too hard to learn? Of course not. You learned how to use a cell phone and a new browser is much less complicated than a cell phone. Spend the time to learn a new browser, and you will love it after a short time.

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