
What's the Matter? Didn't you have anyone in pink pumps fix your computer before?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Once You've Been Infected, What Next?

After your computer has been uninfected, what is your strategy for the future?

It should include:
  • changing all online passwords. Use a strong password (combination of letters and numbers with one capital letter at least six characters long). You do not know for sure that your passwords have been compromised, but why take that chance? Even if you have never been infected, it's a good idea to change passwords periodically.
  • changing browswers. Use a safe browswer. Firefox doesn't allow you to directly open downloaded files. It forces a save on the local drive giving real-time virus protection a chance to do its thing.
  • changing browsing/email habits. Use caution when browsing and opening email attachments.
  • changing how you receive files. If you receive files via flash drives or CDs, you might want to re-evaluate that practice or, at least, include a scan of the media before opening files on it.
  • changing antivirus and malware solutions. Two of the leading antivirus suites are big processor hogs and really are unsuccessful at keeping computers clean.
  • changing how often you scan your computer. Virus scans should be daily and malware scans depend on how and how much you use your computer.
  • changing how often you delete cookies and temporary internet files. A lot of viruses sneak in via temporary internet files.
Hope this helps keep you uninfected!

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