
What's the Matter? Didn't you have anyone in pink pumps fix your computer before?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

You've Got Mail! Is It Safe??

Maybe. Maybe not. If the email is from an employee, say his name is Tommy, who you have been exchanging emails with for four years and in that entire time Tommy has never had a virus. That tells you Tommy runs a pretty squeaky clean system and you can trust files from him.

What is the employee sending you a file is one who gets a virus every other month? I'd suggest downloading the file and then scanning it with updated antivirus prior to opening it.

What if you advertise for a position? Well then you have to accept files from people with resumes and letters of recommendation. This is so dangerous though. Perhaps you could save all resumes received to a flash drive and then scan the flash drive with updated antivirus before opening the files.

What if you get an unsolicited resume? You didn't advertise for a position, but you get one anyways. In our present economy, it may be a bona fide solicitation for work. If the wording is very suspicous or if there are misspellings or grammatical errors that lead you to believe that the person is not from this country, delete the email without responding. If the email gives you your company name and has your name or something about the community, then it might be safe to respond, but ask the person to copy and paste his/her resume as text so it's safer for you. If they comply, then maybe it's safe to accept attachments from them in the future. Suspicion is good. Scanning is good.

Your computer is a part of you. You can't practice email abstainance, so you have to practice safe emailing these days.  You don't end up with an unwanted virus and have to go to the computer doctor for a prescription. Hope this helps!

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